For those of you I haven't told about this, I'll give a little bit of background. Every year law students write, produce, direct, and act in a musical. It's always a parody of some other story, but they set the story in the law school (past musicals include "West Bank Story," "Walter Mondale and the Lawyer Factory," and "Frankenlaw"). The writers also incorporate well known songs, changing the words so that it fits within the story. Most of the jokes either refer to drinking or are inside jokes about law school (see my previous post).
I don't typically dance (unless of course it's an ADX dance party) so this whole hip shakin' thing was a little bit outside of my comfort zone. However, after 5 weeks of practicing in what one of my friends refers to as "the fish bowl" I was ready for the big stage. Our practice room was a lounge area with all glass walls in the front entrance to the law school and on the direct route to the library. People would stop as they walked by and literally gawk at us. Needless to say, the nightly audience helped with the stage fright in front of the paying audience.
My cousin, some of his friends, my roommate, and most of the law school were fortunate enough to see me make a fool of myself. Since most of the people who read this were not so lucky, I'll post some pictures.
you are so beautiful! man i miss your face every morning.
I really hope that there is a DVD of "Robin Hood, Esq.", as I need to see it.
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